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The BIG Book of Open-Ended Questions

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Author: Angela Russ-Ayon

The BIG Book of Open-Ended Questions

 Intentionally Supporting Young Children in Learning


Topics for Preschool thru 2nd Grade


The BIG Book is filled with lists, lists, and more lists of subject-specific open-ended questions to support quality parent-child or teacher-child interactions at home and in typical early childhood settings. Think of open-ended questions as exploratory prompts, learning opportunities, thought-provokers, and conversation starters. This type of inquiry requires a response with more than one-word answers that typically close the door to any discussion. Learn how to transform “What color is this? — Blue” into a conversation that matters. Included are essential guidelines about developing and asking questions, skill-building tips, 68 lined journal pages, and a multitude of prompts on over 70 topics, such as colors, numbers, geometric shapes, boxes, patterns, writing, force and motion, scale and structure, ramps, arts and crafts, bubbles, pretend play, and many more.


Related Terms & Phrases:

  • open-ended questions for preschool

  • open-ended questions for kindergarten

  • open-ended questions for first graders

  •  intentional support

  • instructional support

  • Classroom Assessment Scoring System; CLASS observation; CLASS evaluation

  • Early childhood language

  • Early childhood literacy

  • Early childhood interaction

  • Early childhood critical thinking skills 

  • Tools for academic success

  • Professional development

  • Critical thinking skills

Available for bulk discounts for distribution in schools and at special events.


Open-ended questions allow children to demonstrate their understanding of various topics using a higher level of communication and reasoning. They are guided to think on their own and solve their own problems. If children are asked the right question at the right time, they build upon what they already know by making connections and taking actions that lead to better outcomes.


Research shows that helping children process information in their early stages is an effective way to maximize their physical, emotional, intellectual, and behavioral development in the long run. With practice, asking open-ended questions is a skill anyone can develop and use effectively every day.

Benefits of Asking Open-Ended Questions:

  • Encourages high-level thinking

  • Inspires meaningful adult-child exchanges and interactions

  • Furthers vocabulary and communication skills

  • Empowers children to express themselves

  • Provides emotional and instructional support

  • Gives permission to experiment and explore further

$18.99 B/W Paperback

$8.99 B/W Digital Download

Black & White Interior

278 pages

Includes 68 lined journal pages

Paperback Resource Book

Author's Note

I wrote this book because most examples I found when searching for open-ended questions were not subject-specific. Many articles provided the beginning of a question, such as “What would happen if…,” leaving off ideas for endings that would be most helpful, like “What would happen if you let go of the ball?” or “What would happen if the ocean was full of trash?”


I’ve touched on topics typically found in early childhood settings, providing questions in their simplest form to those more complex. Did I cover everything? No. There is no way for me to anticipate your experience. I expect your questions to grow along with your observations and conversations with the children. There are no answers in this book — just hundreds of open-ended questions. Please note that during interactions, you may not need to ask a single one or more than one. 


Included are journal pages for writing new questions and ideas. Please share your contributions with me. I promise to keep the interior pages updated so everyone can benefit.


I welcome your constructive criticism, comments, observations, and questions.

Bulk Orders: This title is available in bulk for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm to table, STEM initiatives, and anti-obesity. Contact the publisher ( | Russ InVision Co.) directly for quotes, orders, and discounted pricing.

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