Author: Angela Russ-Ayon
Illustrator: Cathy June
Translated by: Mercedes Seraphim
Comemos Comida Fresca
Un Libro Sobre Probando Comidas Nuevas (Multicultural - Para Niños - 2nd Edition)
Un chef fantástico presenta a los niños pequeños experiencias divertidas con la comida que estimulan su interés en las frutas y los vegetales. Únete a ellos mientras cosechan en el huerto, preparan platos en la cocina y se relajan un rato en la playa. El chef quiere que los niños prueben algo nuevo, y puede que lo hagan, antes de que él termine.
English versions are award-winning!
Getting children to taste new fruits and vegetables is an age-old problem. The point of this book is that if children don't like raw vegetables, they may like them steamed, blended, boiled, grilled, dipped, chilled, or stir-fried. They are encouraged to try vegetables in different ways, and in doing so, might discover they like them. The texture and flavor of food changes based on the way it is prepared: raw versus cooked carrots, apple sauce versus sliced apples, soft celery in soup versus crunchy celery sticks, crisp versus soft-cooked zucchini, grilled onions versus raw, whole fruit versus blended, and so forth. Taste buds are always changing and wouldn't it be terrific if we could convince children to try something new every once in a while; taste the same food cooked a different way, or try a food several times?
Includes a companion song, spoken word, and instrumental version on CD when ordered directly from the publisher, or optional song download.

"A simply edible book that is rich in colorful fruits and vegetables. Inspires all ages to have a taste of something new!"
~ Produce for Better Health Foundation
With each page turn, the chef exposes children to new and wonderfully colorful fruits and vegetables. The phrase, "You might just want to try something NEW!" is a constant theme throughout, that children want to emulate.
If you don't like raw carrots, you can steam them, blend them, or even stir fry them Just try them a different way, and you might discover that you like them.
Presentation of over (60) fruits and vegetables
Introduction to the various ways fruits and vegetables can be prepared and eaten
Encourages children to taste new foods
Includes the option of a companion song on CD or download. Price varies.
A multicultural book with the representation of diverse ethnic groups
Cathy June lives in Vancouver with her husband, Mike, enjoying her grandchildren who provide endless inspiration for children’s books.

Bulk Orders: This title is available in bulk for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm to table, STEM initiatives, and anti-obesity. Contact the publisher (AbridgeClub.com | Russ InVision Co.) directly for quotes, orders, and discounted pricing.
Related terms & phrases:
Child nutrition, CACFP, National CACFP, National CACFP, My Plate, ChooseMyPlate.gov, eating healthy food, tasting new foods, eating fruits and vegetables, preparing foods in different ways, STEM connections, making healthy choices, nutrition month (March), nutritious food, balanced diet, variety of foods, healthy eating, food pyramid, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Health and Human Services, SNAP-ED Program, nutrition education, nutrition material, Spanish picture books about nutrition, material de educación nutricional en español.
Preschool picture book about eating healthy food, picture book about tasting new foods, picture book about eating fruits and vegetables, picturebook about preparing foods in different ways, picturebook with STEM kitchen tools, making healthy choices, nutrition month (March), nutritious food, balanced diet, picturebook about a variety of foods, healthy eating, food pyramid.
Format: Picture book with
downloadable companion song purchase
Age: 4 up
32 Colorfully Illustrated Pages
Also available in
English edition