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BOOK: Fruits and Veggies Making Faces - Paperback


You can’t help but be amused by these expressive characters made out of parts and pieces of fruits and vegetables that make good food choices more attractive. Children are exposed to silly interjections, animated facial features, and quick rhymes that are the result of little discoveries and reactions to everyday experiences. It’s a healthy recipe for self-expression steeped in a rainbow of color and playful hints that encourage readers to interact, look for cues, explore their feelings, and make faces.

Capture the interest of a young child with dramatic expressions, exaggerated voices, novel experiences, and an invitation to participate. Growth and development in the early years can be advanced significantly by engaging children in creative physical and verbally playful interaction. Stimulate their senses everyday through encounters and discoveries in their natural world. Ask questions that encourage them to analyze and reason on their own.

30-Page Picture Book (Includes B & W Activity Pages)

BOOK: Fruits and Veggies Making Faces - Paperback

SKU: FVMF - Book
  • Children's Picture Book


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