If you want to learn what children are thinking when they play with sponges, you have to ask the right questions. Not just any question will do. Open-ended inquiry encourages high-level thinking because there are many possible responses (Lee, 2010). Asking OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS is one of the best ways to enhance children's curiosity and guide them through a learning process without telling them what to do. The answers children give reveal what they are feeling, thinking, and comprehending on a topic. With these types of questions, parents and educators delve deeper into children's thoughts and ideas, guiding them to the next steps for learning by introducing more complex activities or experiments. Here are 12 open-ended questions about sponges:
What is a sponge?
Describe the sponge.
Why do people use sponges?
Where do you think sponges come from? Why?
Why do you think a sponge has holes?
Why do you think sponges come in different shapes and sizes?
How is this sponge the same as/different from that sponge?
What do you have to do to get a sponge wet?
What happens when a sponge gets wet?
What happens if you put a dry/wet sponge in the refrigerator/ freezer?
How does the sponge feel/smell /look when it is dry/wet/frozen?
How can you get water into the bowl using a sponge?
Author of: The BIG Book of Open-Ended Questions to Intentionally Support Young Children in Learning: Topics for Preschool thru 1st Grade Buy Now!
Angela Russ-Ayon is a mom-preneur, children’s author, interactive trainer on the subject of early childhood, and award-winning artist/producer of music for young children. She presents educational strategies to child care providers, parents, and teachers nationwide for AEYCs, R & Rs, and the like. She is a member of the Recording Academy and is the sole owner of Russ InVision Records. For more information on Angela, her workshops, keynotes, and accomplishments, you are welcome to visit www.abridgeclub.com. © 2021, Russ InVision. All rights reserved.
Find out more about Angela Russ-Ayon and her affordable interactive keynote and workshop presentations coast-to-coast on the subjects of early childhood development, STEM (science and math), open-ended questions, and creative engagement. Visit her training page.
AbridgeClub.com offers fun songs and physical activities for distance learning, virtual classes, webinars, child care facilities, after-school programs, homeschooling, preschools, daycare centers, kindergarten classes, or rainy day recesses.
All music and book titles are available in bulk for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm-to-table, STEM initiatives, and anti-obesity. Contact Angela directly for discounted pricing, quotes, and orders. Allow for at least 2-3 weeks to process orders and ship. We accept purchase orders.
For information: Contact: Angela Russ-Ayon
Phone: 562-421-1836
E-mail: info@abridgeclub.com
Lee, Y. (2010). Blended teacher supports for promoting open-ended questioning in pre-k science activities. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Virginia, USA.